
Important Information! 

3 Week Training Program 

Manners Program.

 This program focusses on handling skills. We address issues such as waiting at doors, jumping, manners, leash pulling, personal space, patience, playful biting, and more.   We will establish a correction system to help you communicate more efficiently with your dog. We will teach four commands - sit, down, place, and stay. This program is geared to teach your dog how to maintain a calm state of mind regardless of surrounding distractions. This program is 100% on leash or in a pen. We do not offer off-leash training in our three week program.  All dogs are introduced into a pack and we strive to help them reach mental balance and build social skills.

At the end of training, we will have a session with you where we explain all of our training techniques. We will break down each command, explain our correction and praise system, and explain how to gain more patience and attentiveness in your training. 

3 Weeks - $800 

5 Week Training Program 

Obedience Program 

Our 5 week program covers everything in the 3 week program and continues with 4 more commands - here, up, wait, and get-in.  We establish your dog's recall in a pen and outside. We work on extended patience within all the established commands. We teach your dog that good decisions equals more freedom. We go on group walks and really work to make your dog reliable in their commands on and off leash. We work on many distractions - chickens, cats, sheep, and all of farm life. We work hard and we have a ton of fun. We go to town and enjoy at the park and go through a dog friendly store. 

At the end of training, we will have a training session together where we will explain all of our training techniques. We will break down each command, explain our correction and praise system, and talk about the tools your dog may benefit from going forward. 


5 Weeks - $1,200

Added Information:


Please fill out our client questionnaire or contact us directly to discuss training options and course dates that work for you.